How to Become Richer and Happier

How to Become Richer and Happier

Become richer and happier in many aspects of life.

That’s something we’ve always wanted to achieve for varied reasons.

It could be that we’ve been making both ends meet most of our lives so we want to experience a comfortable lifestyle for a change. It could also be that we wish to provide a better life for our families. And last but not the least, it could be because we want to extend helping hands big time.

But how can we become richer and happier in the first place?

It seems to be such a hard thing to accomplish when many of us are living ordinary lives with lower or middle class ordinary status. But it can be possible! How? Below are some of the tips and advice from rich and happy people whom I had the opportunity to meet:

Study hard while we’re still students.

It’s our first step to success, and eventually, to a fulfilling career then a richer life than what we have right now.

All of us don’t have genius minds and skills to be like Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs or some other famous dropouts who made it big and continue to make a difference in the world. Most of us need to work hard, get trained, acquire skills, make little and big steps until we reach the top.

If we study hard, we instill in ourselves the importance of hard work, discipline and perseverance. This way, we can mold ourselves as individuals who are strong, enthusiastic and determined enough to fulfill goals in life.

It’s also advisable that we upgrade ourselves as often as needed. We can study, learn and train more to be highly competitive and skilled.

Yet, what if some of us are really dropouts? Well, we should make those great icons our idols and inspirations to be richer than what we have right now. We should follow their example and footsteps. There’s no harm in trying and in pushing ourselves to be great like them too.

Don’t follow our passion for a while, but make time for it one day soon.

There are times when our interests need to take a back seat and we have to take courses that will guarantee us of  stable jobs when we graduate. We have to get out of our box and explore other opportunities.

We must believe in ourselves that we’re capable of doing other things if those will help us have better jobs and better lives someday.

We can pursue our passion anytime soon, when we can already afford to do both our career and interests. That’s something we shouldn’t forget to do in the long run if that will give us pure joy and contentment.

If we  have already established ourselves, we can pursue our passion and even make it one of our businesses or professions. But we can’t make it our sole profession if it won’t assure us profitability, or if it’s not something which is in demand in our present time.

Do our best until we reach the top of the corporate ladder.

We can be richer by climbing the corporate ladder through doing our jobs the best way we can, without stepping on other people’s toes.

Sooner or later, our hard work will be noticed and appreciated, and we’ll be promoted to higher positions, with much better salaries. And when we get promoted, let’s not forget the people who’ve helped us reach success. We should always appreciate them and give them credit for their help and support.

It’s important that as we aim to get richer, we also aim to be kind and helpful. That’s how we can really succeed in life.

Become richer by saving and investing.

When we’re already earning salaries, we should learn to save some of our money in the bank, and at the same time invest in stocks, mutual funds or businesses.

It’s pretty exciting to pick the companies where we can invest in stocks, for example. Imagine being part of large companies who provide services and products to people of all walks of life. Imagine contributing to the success of these companies–just by buying stocks!

We shouldn’t therefore spend our money on things we don’t really need. It’s really much better if we make it a habit to save and invest. This will give us more opportunities to be richer than our present status.

Be entrepreneurs.

We shouldn’t just aim for higher positions in a company, but we should strive to be bosses of companies we’ll set up one day.

We can start with micro-businesses with affordable capital requirement, and take it from there. We should be ready to take some risks and to lose some money as we start the business. Just don’t give up. Our efforts and hard work will soon be rewarded with earnings and success.

Treat everyone with respect and politeness.

We have to show respect to all people and treat them well. That way, we’ll earn our good reputation in the business and market sectors, and in our society as well.

We should also pay the right amount of taxes. This way we can help contribute to government projects that will benefit the public.  And when we’ve found ourselves earning more, we should expand the business and hire people. We must pay them well because they’re big contributors to the success of the business.

Become richer by having other sources of income and taking risks.

We can multitask and have sidelines.  Find online jobs.  We can save or invest more if we can find other sources of income.

By using our skills and talents or our passion here, we can definitely earn money aside from our salaries or income.

We have to be tough and take risks if we want to have richer lives.

But we should also take good care of our health. As we aim to be richer, let’s also make sure that we aim to be healthier. Otherwise, we won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Just add sidelines when we’re already adept with a particular job. This way, we won’t find it too stressful and we won’t be too anxious about it.

When we’ve become richer, how should we enjoy the sweet taste of success?

Well, take note of the following:

We should share our talents, skills, knowledge and learning.

We’ll realize that it’s actually when we learn to share these things that we can really find satisfaction in our lives. We’ll appreciate that we’ve been able to pass on to the next generation all the knowledge and wisdom we’ve gained through the years.

We won’t live forever. We’re actually getting older each day. So there’s no use keeping all those talents, skills and wisdom just to ourselves. We should learn to spread our knowledge. We must train others to acquire our skills, knowledge, and wisdom. Then someday, they will be the ones to pass on to the next generation all that they’ve learned from us.

We’ll find that when we willingly share something relevant to others, that good thing we did will live on even after we’ve gone

Share our blessings, reach out to the needy and be richer in more ways than one.

We get more than material richness when we help the less fortunate and share a bit of ourselves to others.

It’s one way of saying that we know what the needy are going through. That’s why we want to reach out to them now that our economic status has already improved. We understand their situations because we also experienced that in the past. So this time, we want to help them the best way we can.

How do we do this?

We just won’t give them money. Well, it should be the last thing we must do. The first or the right thing to do is help them upgrade themselves by giving them scholarships. We can do this  by paying their tuition fees and giving them allowances. Or we can create jobs for them or help them get hired. We should also help them get skilled by giving them free training or workshops. Then we can monitor their progress and help them find jobs. This way, we’re not only helping them have better lives, but we’re also helping our nation have well-skilled and well-educated citizens.

When we already have material wealth, we still find something is missing in our lives. It’s as if we’re not yet satisfied and completely fulfilled as individuals. So we resort to soul searching and that’s when we realize what we should do to be completely contented with ourselves–we should help the needy. It’s only when we do this that we find lasting happiness and contentment.  It’s  really only when we do this that we find lasting happiness and contentment in our lives.

Let’s look back at the lives of the icons who are making a difference all over the globe.

Mark Zuckerberg has promised to donate at least half of his wealth to help rid of diseases. And that promise is for life! Bill Gates and his wife have Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It provides help all over the world. It particularly supports agricultural and educational development, emergency relief and researches to fight diseases and illnesses. They’re just few of the wealthiest yet most munificent people of our time. We can all get inspired and motivated by learning about their great contributions to the world. Let’s also aim for that kind of generosity as we strive to become richer.

For we truly become richer and happier when we finally obtain the things that money can’t buy.