Why You Should Travel

Why You Should Travel

That moment when I found myself face to face with a snake, and I got rooted to the spot—I thought that was the end of my life!    I closed my eyes and decided to just accept my fate…then suddenly—and miracle of miracles—the snake decided that I was not worth biting at all, and went away. Whew!

That was one of my unforgettable escapades and “travel time”. The perks of being a die-hard fan of travelling—the thrill, fun or joy of going somewhere far to enjoy those moments of my life.

I loved to travel a lot during my high school and college days. Those funny and exciting moments which happened unexpectedly, like that experience with the snake. I loved going to the beaches, walking on hanging bridges, climbing mountains, hearing the chirping of birds lurking behind tall, big trees, bathing in brooks, or staring at the sea which seemed to stretch before me endlessly. I just loved admiring Mother Nature whenever I had the chance to do so.

During those years of having itchy feet, I often wondered why I wanted to go to faraway places. It was as if I was searching for something, or there was this deep longing that was hard to fathom. So I just travelled and travelled, thinking that perhaps I’d eventually find that something that was beyond my comprehension that time.

Not that I got to travel so far and wide, I was studying in the first place! But I really found time for that (with grades still high, modesty aside). Now, I’m not crazy about travelling anymore since I’ve changed priorities, but still, I’d like to recommend that you travel because of the following reasons:

You’ll be able to de-stress.

Studying or working too much can take its toll on you. So you do need to spend some days away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. It has a calming effect which will help you feel refreshed after the trip. It’s an antidote for depression and it’s good for your health too.

You’ll be able to meet people who may have a huge impact on your life.

I, for one, have met people during my journeys which have inspired me and helped me be the person I want to be. You’ll gain wisdom when you meet those people who will give you reasons to appreciate more the life you have.

You’ll learn about different cultures and traditions which can deeply enrich your life.

You can also apply in your life the knowledge and learning that can be gleaned from all your travels. The different cultures and traditions you’ll be exposed to will likewise give you wisdom and holistic growth.

You’ll benefit from the bonding moments with loved ones who join the trips with you.

Your relationship with them will definitely get better.

You’ll grow as a person. There are so much realizations about yourself that you’ll discover as you travel. Others even said that they found out their goals in life and plans for the future while they were travelling.

You’ll have the best moments of your life.

In every place you visit, there’s a different and unforgettable experience that will give you joy. They are moments that you’ll capture not only in “selfies” or “groupies,” but in your hearts as well,  to be treasured for always.