5 Investment Schemes for your Financial Freedom

5 Investment Schemes for your Financial Freedom

Are you tired of working for 8 hours or more and still not earning much? Or are you getting depressed or experiencing burnout due to work overload or routine? If you are, well, I’ve got good news for you! Aside from your work, you can try different investment schemes which can give you financial freedom.

Want to know about these investment schemes?

Hold on to your seats! This might just be the start of a more exciting and fruitful life for you. Here they are:


1. Stocks

One investment scheme that has changed a lot of lives for the better is through stocks. And don’t think that you have to save lots of money first before you can start stock investing. For an affordable amount, you can now start with your investment. The first thing to do is attend free seminars to know the best companies where you can place your fund. You also have to choose your stock broker company wisely.

There are two options to choose from.

You can choose between passive trading or active trading. By choosing passing trading, you are preferring long-term investment schemes. It means you don’t have to monitor your fund that much. On the other hand, by choosing active trading, you are preferring to buy and sell stocks and you have to monitor the movement of stock market indexes. This scheme allows you to place your fund in a short-term basis because you are going to buy and sell stocks. You need to analyze when to pull your stocks and buy other stocks to earn more.

 2. Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs)

UITFs are an easy option since your bank will be the one to manage your funds for you. Through this scheme, you won’t have any problem in making your own investment portfolio. Investment managers or specialists of your commercial bank will do everything for you. You just have to buy units (the value is termed as Net Asset Value per unit) of the bank’s funds offered to you, such as bonds, equities and other instruments.

3. Mutual funds

A lot of people think that UITFs and mutual funds are the same. They’re not. They’re just the same in a way because professionals are managing your funds for you.  You just have to continually add money to your account.  Banks offer units in UITFs while companies offer shares in mutual funds (termed as Net Asset Value per share).

4. Insurance with investments

There are many reliable insurance companies which don’t just offer life insurance benefits but investments as well. It will be very beneficial to you and your family because you are being insured while your fund is being managed by investment experts.

5. Forex Trading

Forex actually means foreign exchange (FX) and Forex Trading refers to the currency market. This investment scheme allows you to buy a currency then sell it at a higher price. You may also sell a currency at a certain price then buy it a lower price. This is the way you make profit through Forex trading. Currencies are always paired to compare the exchange rate.

A lot of people won’t recommend this as your first investment instrument.

This is because it could be confusing and would require a lot of time before you can get familiar with the trading. You must learn to predict the movement of the currency market to gain profit. But then many will tell you that they have become richer through Forex trading. Well, the first thing to do is attend seminars to better understand this investment scheme. Who knows, you just might become an expert on this type of trading and get rich in the process!

There are so many opportunities in investments that will give you financial stability.

Don’t just rely on your current job, especially if you’re not that happy with it. Think about these five investment schemes which can give you a more secure life when you get old. Begin saving some of your money and start investing in a scheme that will best suit you. And when’s the best time to start? NOW.